post-surgical neuropathic pain

Research into chronic moderate to severe post-surgical neuropathic pain is essential to improve the quality of life for individuals who suffer from this condition. Here’s a general outline of a study design for such a research project

Length of study: 45 weeks (up to 5 patch applications)

1. Participants:

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Adults (age range), diagnosed with chronic post-surgical neuropathic pain of moderate to severe intensity, with a documented history of surgical procedures.
  • PSNP must be present for at least 6 months to maximally 60 months
  • The pain must extend beyond the scar area to adjacent skin areas and be related to the site of the surgery
  • Patient must not currently be receiving treatment for PSNP, OR receives a stable systemic treatment for PSNP that started more than 30 days before 1st application
  • Opioids are forbidden during the trial, unless for short-term use not related to PSNP

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients with other chronic pain conditions, psychiatric disorders, or contraindications to specific treatments.
  • Use of Qutenza before the 1st patch application is not allowed
  • Any painful procedure planned during the course of the trial
  • Neuropathic pain located only on the face, above the hairline of the scalp, and/or in proximity to mucous membranes
  • Hypersensitivity to capsaicin or chili peppers
  • Unstable or poorly controlled blood pressure

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